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Lease Management & Lease Accounting Blog

Lease Management

Highlights from the FASB and IASB Joint Meeting

We’ve written this free whitepaper for bank executives with real-world responsibility. We’ve all seen endless hypothetical blather about the proposed lease accounting changes - but most of it is generic…for someone with a lease. So we created a fully researched and documented deep dive into the specific implications to banks. It covers topics that aren’t…

Lease Accounting Changes: Implications for the Banking Industry

We’ve written this free whitepaper for bank executives with real-world responsibility. We’ve all seen endless hypothetical blather about the proposed lease accounting changes - but most of it is generic…for someone with a lease. So we created a fully researched and documented deep dive into the specific implications to banks. It covers topics that aren’t…

Whitepaper: Impact of Lease Accounting Changes on the Banking Industry

We’ve written this free whitepaper for bank executives with real-world responsibility. We’ve all seen endless hypothetical blather about the proposed lease accounting changes - but most of it is generic…for someone with a lease. So we created a fully researched and documented deep dive into the specific implications to banks. It covers topics that aren’t…

Effectively Compare Leases During Negotiations

In a previous Blog posting, we introduced our readers to the Lease Analysis component of iLeasePro, our comprehensive lease management technology solution specifically designed for lessees. We indicated that Lease Analysis is an invaluable tool that supports lease negotiations and lease reassessment by providing the user with the technology for evaluating all the financial terms…

Lease Expense Classification: Its Broader Impact

The revised Exposure Draft on proposed Lease Accounting Changes issued in May 2013 (“the Revised ED”) contains provisions on expense classification that has broader implications than may be evident initially. For Type B leases, principally leases of property (real estate), the proposed expense is classified as lease expense and the expense recognition pattern is straight-line,…

The New Lease Accounting Standard and Debt-to-Equity Ratios

In the past, we have discussed various aspects of the new lease accounting standard that is currently being jointly proposed by both the FASB and the IASB. The new standard will require that all leases, except short term leases, be recognized as liabilities on the lessee’s balance sheet. This will result in a dramatic change…

Evaluating Lease Alternatives: Key Considerations

Evaluating Leasing Alternatives Many times when lessees are presented with the need to evaluate equipment or real estate leasing alternatives, the analysis of the lease focuses solely on the base rent payment terms. Limiting the analysis can be a dangerous trap and ignores key considerations that are required to fully understand financial impact of a…

Effective Lease Management and Accounting Tools

We have some exciting news to share with all of our readers. iLease Management LLC will soon launch a lease management and accounting tool that will meet the critical needs of lessees as they react to the new lease accounting standards and continuously try and gain efficiency in their day to day operations. As we…

The Importance of Automating Lease Management Processes

The importance of an automated Lease Management process During challenging economic times like these, it is critically important that property lease documents and its data be easily accessible and accurately represented by the managers of the property. Property owners and managers that are not strategically using a well-defined repeatable process and lease abstracting software to…

Related: iLeasePro Free Trial, iLeaseXpress, iLeaseXpress Unlimited, ASC 842 Financial Reporting, ASC 842 Balance Sheet Reporting, ASC 842 Income Statement Reporting, ASC 842 Cash Flow Reporting, ASC 842 Statement of Shareholder Equity, ASC 842 Disclosure Notes, ASC 842 Management Discussion, ASC 842 Comprehensive Income, ASC 842 Glossary of Terms, ASC 842 Journal Entries, ASC 842 Software, When Is the ASC 842 Compliance Date, FASB Lease Accounting Software, Understanding the New FASB ASC 842 Lease Accounting Standard, How Does a Lease Balance Sheet Change After the New Standard?, Tracking Lease Details After ASC 842, Deferred Rent Explained Under the ASC 842, Guide to Lease Classification, Overview of Relevant Borrowing Rate, ASC 842 Footnote Disclosure, Lease Accounting, What Does Lease Accounting Software Do?, Key Features of A Lease Accounting Software, How to Never Miss Important Lease Dates, Scaling Your Lease Accounting Software to Your Business Needs, How to Select the Right Lease Solution, How to Set Up Lease Accounting Software, What is the Best Lease Accounting Software?, Overview of the Types of Leases, Equipment Lease Software, How the Right Lease Management Software Makes Equipment Leases Easier, Lease Tracking Software, How The Right Software Can Help You Manage Lease Data, Five Benefits of a SaaS Lease Management Solution, A Centralized Lease Portfolio Making Asset Management Easier, Lease Analysis 101, Lease Analysis: The Financial Metrics, Lease Abstraction, The Importance of Lease Abstraction for Lessees, The Lease Data an Abstract Should Include, What Software Do I Need for Lease Abstracting?, Navigating The ASC 842 Accounting Audit, Ultimate Lease Accounting Audit Checklist, Essential Guide To Engaging Auditors, Leveraging AI for Enhanced Year-End Audits Transitioning to the ASC 842 Standard Lease Document Management ASC 842 Short-Term Leases Practical Expedients Lease Modifications & Remeasurements Lease Variable Payments Embedded Leases Monitoring Critical Lease Dates Transportation - Navigate the ASC 842 The Impact of the ASC 842 on Regulatory Policies in Lease Management & Lease Accounting Integrating Lease Accounting into Your Month-End Closing Process The Modified Retrospective Approach in ASC 842 Determining the Incremental Borrowing Rate A CFO’s ASC 842 Lease Accounting Guide for Construction Companies